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How to change rewrite links?


I suggest you see the implementation in two stages: a first approach, we will see how each mechanism and then we discuss the comprehensive approach.
The reason for this separation is that we have control over the links contained within our own site, which means that we can change without the end user's knowledge. This allows us to gradually eliminate broken links.
However, the links outside our site are out of our reach. So we need to tell visitors that use this type of link it is recommended to update their favorites.

External links 

This is done using a code HTTP/1.1: when a visitor uses an address we know bad, we need to use the code 301 ("moved permanently"). Then we show the visitor location of the correct address.
Redirection from an incorrect address
 <?php header ( ' HTTP/1.1   301   Moved   Permanently ' ) ; header ( ' Location:   nouvelle-adresse.ext ' ) ; exit ; //   Il   ne   faut   rien   envoyer   d'autre ?> 
In practice, we must first find (restore) the source address rewriting and use our links to redirect to the correct address.
The first phase (recovery) is carried out using the. Htaccess file: we substitute the wrong address by a redirection script which we indicate the standard address (physical name of the script + parameters). In this way, it is sufficient to redirect script to rewrite this address according to the rewriting rules we defined in the previous tutorial.
File:. Htaccess
 DirectoryIndex index.php Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine on #Restauration des URLs de base RewriteRule ^ftopic([0-9]+).* /phpbb-test/redirect.php?url=viewtopic.php?t=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^forum([0-9]+).* /phpbb-test/redirect.php?url=viewforum.php?f=$1 [L] #Réécriture normale RewriteRule ^sujet-([0-9]+).* /phpbb-test/viewtopic.php?t=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^forum-([0-9]+).* /phpbb-test/viewforum.php?f=$1 [L] 
We find in this file. Htaccess three types of URLs that we saw earlier in the Problem: URLs basic (viewtopic.php? T = $ 1), intermediate (ftopic [0-9] +. *) and final (subject-[0-9] +. *).
File: redirect.php
 <?php define ( ' IN_PHPBB ' , true ) ; $ phpbb_root_path = ' ./ ' ; include ( $ phpbb_root_path . ' ' ) ; include ( $ phpbb_root_path . ' common. ' . $ phpEx ) ; if ( ! empty ( $ userdata [ ' user_lang ' ] )) { $ current_language = $ userdata [ ' user_lang ' ] ; } else { $ current_language = $ board_config [ ' default_lang ' ] ; } include ( $ phpbb_root_path . ' /language/lang_ ' . $ current_language . ' /lang_urlrewrite. ' . $ phpEx ) ; if ( is_array ( $ lang [ ' urlrewrite ' ] )) { require_once ( $ phpbb_root_path . ' includes/functions_urlrewrite. ' . $ phpEx ) ; $ new_url = rewrite_url( urldecode ( $ _GET [ ' url ' ] ) , $ lang [ ' urlrewrite ' ] ) ; header ( ' HTTP/1.1   301   Moved   Permanently ' ) ; header ( ' Location:   ' . $ new_url [ ' url ' ] ) ; exit ; } ?> 
The call to urldecode () is required by the scripts using several parameters (they are legion) and a constraint imposed by our. Htaccess, in which we simulated a call to urlencode ().
Why urldecode () is necessary:
  • / Phpbb-test/redirection.php? Url = viewtopic.php? T = 1 & start = 25 ==> there is confusion for the parameter "start" here can be sent to the script "redirection.php" (it is not what we want)
  • / Phpbb-test/redirection.php? Url = viewtopic.php? T = 1 & start = 25 ==> "start" is not yet included as a parameter but as part of the parameter "url" (c ' is what we want)
If our website has undergone several rewrites successive ties, just complete the "Restoring URLs basic" our. Htaccess file!
File:. Htaccess
 DirectoryIndex index.php Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine on #Restauration des URLs de base RewriteRule ^ftopic([0-9]+).* /phpbb-test/redirect.php?url=viewtopic.php?t=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^forum([0-9]+).* /phpbb-test/redirect.php?url=viewforum.php?f=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^viewtopic.php?t=([0-9]+) /phpbb-test/redirect.php?url=viewtopic.php?t=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^viewforum.php?f=([0-9]+) /phpbb-test/redirect.php?url=viewforum.php?f=$1 [L] #Réécriture normale RewriteRule ^sujet-([0-9]+).* /phpbb-test/viewtopic.php?t=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^forum-([0-9]+).* /phpbb-test/viewforum.php?f=$1 [L] 

Internal links

If we look at one of the language files from the other tutorial, we note the presence of keys to the array $ lang ['urlrewrite'] ['regexes']. We will use the same keys in our current table in order to match URLs without problem.
To restore the URLs, we need to address the "raw" in a separate table that we call $ raw_urls. We will use another table, $ rewritten_urls to contain different versions of each address rewritten: Index "old" addresses used built with older versions of rewriting links on our site. Each of the other indexes is a language installed in our forum phpBB: users could post addresses all these different languages, we must standardize the presentation.
In all these tables, we use the keys we noticed above.
$ & $ Raw_urls rewritten_urls
 <?php $ raw_urls = array ( ' viewtopic_topicid_title ' = > ' viewtopic.php?t=$1 ' , ' viewforum_id_title ' = > ' viewforum.php?f=$1 ' , //   ... ) ; $ rewritten_urls [ ' old ' ] = array ( ' viewtopic_topicid_title ' = > array ( ' ftopic([0-9]+) ' ) , ' viewforum_id_name ' = > array ( ' forum([0-9]+) ' ) , //   ... ) ; //   ... if ( $ directory = dir ( $ phpbb_root_path . ' language ' )) { while ( $ entry = $directory ->read ()) { if ( is_file ( $ phpbb_root_path . ' language/ ' . $ entry . ' /lang_urlrewrite. ' . $ phpEx )) { include ( $ phpbb_root_path . ' language/ ' . $ entry . ' /lang_urlrewrite. ' . $ phpEx ) ; $ rewritten_urls [ basename ( $ entry ) ] = $ lang [ ' urlrewrite ' ] [ ' regexes ' ] ; } } } ?> 
Now we need to restore the default URLs for phpBB.
I chose to begin by restoring the default URLs and then leave it to rewrite our method to load the rest of the operations in the same way she used to.
A semantic point: in this case, "restore" means find a default URL for phpBB from a rewritten URL, while "rewrite" means to change the default URL in a rewritten URL. Both terms can be used in both situations, that is why I prefer to be clear.
To retrieve the URL of the page, I modified the code used in includes / page_tail.php:
Recovery of URLs to restore then rewrite (file: includes / page_tail.php)
 require_once ( ' functions_urlrewrite. ' . $ phpEx ) ; // //   Find   all   the   links   in   the   page //   There   are   4   parenthesized   parts   in   these   regular   expressions: //       #1:   there   might   be   an   option   like   class="..." //       #2:   full   path   to   the   target   Web   page //       #3:   #1   bis //       #4:   text   of   the   link   (optional) // $ regexes = array ( ' a ' = > ' #<a(.+)href="([^"]+)"([^>]*)>(.*)</a>#Usi ' , ' form ' = > ' #<form(.+)action="([^"]+)"([^>]*)>#Usi ' , ' link   rel ' = > ' #<link   rel(.+)href="([^"]+)"([^>]*)>#Usi ' ) ; foreach ( $ regexes as $ link_type = > $ pattern ) { $ matches = array () ; if ( $ link_type = = ' a ' ) { //   Restore   only   anchor-type   links if ( preg_match_all ( $ pattern , $ contents , $ matches , PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $ contents = restore_urls( $ contents , $ matches ) ; } } $ matches = array () ; if ( preg_match_all ( $ pattern , $ contents , $ matches , PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $ contents = rewrite_urls( $ contents , $ matches , $ link_type ) ; } } 

Restore_urls now study the function ().
The principle is similar to the function rewrite_urls (): start by listing all the rewrite URLs and then all of a sudden deal with the function str_replace ().
Restore_urls function () in the file includes / functions_urlrewrite.php
 /* *   Restore   URLs   to   their   original   (not   rewrited)   state *   it   builds   a   string   suitable   for   URLs *   @param         string           $string           The   string   to   rewrite *   @global       array             $lang               The   language   variables *   @return       string                                   The   rewritten   string */ function restore_urls( $ contents , $ matches ) { global $ raw_urls , $ rewritten_urls ; $ patterns = array () ; //   The   link   patterns   will   be   added   to   this   array $ replacements = array () ; //   The   link   replacements   will   be   added   to   this   array foreach ( $ matches as $ match ) { $ current_url = trim ( $ match [ 2 ] ) ; if ( in_array ( $ current_url , $ patterns )) { continue ; //   Skip   this   match } foreach ( $ rewritten_urls as $ pool ) { // //   Old   and   new   rewriting   (handled   as   a   pool   of   URLs) // foreach ( $ pool as $ key = > $ regexes ) { // //   Each   rewrited   URL   in   this   URL   pool   (usually:   one) //   These   URLs   should   be   available   in   a   generic   form //   using   a   regular   expression   syntax   (without   delimiters) // foreach ( $ regexes as $ key = > $ regex ) { $ regex = ' / ' . $ regex . ' / ' ; if ( preg_match ( $ regex , $ current_url )) { $ changed_url = preg_replace ( $ regex , $ raw_urls [ $ key ] , $ current_url ) ; $ patterns [ ] = ' href=" ' . $ current_url . ' " ' ; $ replacements [ ] = ' href=" ' . $ changed_url . ' " ' ; break 2 ; } } } } } return str_replace ( $ patterns , $ replacements , $ contents ) ; } 


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